Abandoned Fur Farm, 2024

US Fur Farm Survey Continues to Show Many Closures

Joseph Buddenberg
2 min readOct 7, 2024


In September 2024, anonymous activists visited over twenty fur farms in Idaho and Utah to compile footage and data on the dying fur trade, and to determine the operational status of the fur farms.

What we uncovered is further evidence of the power of direct action and pressure campaigns. Farms that once held thousands of prisoners have been reclaimed by nature. We found abandoned properties, dilapidated sheds, and stacks of cages where generations of mink lived and died.

All twenty-four sheds at the Ball Brothers Farm in Malad City, ID are removed. This massive farm is no longer.

The Moyle family is an Idaho fur dynasty. In 2013, the ALF emptied their farm in Burley, ID and freed the entire breeding stock. Today, Moyle’s farms are being disassembled.

Larry Carson owned three fur farms in Utah. Two of those farms are now abandoned, with all sheds free of wildlife.

As pelt prices remain under $30, operational farms have been forced to scale back. Once massive farms now hold a fraction of the animals they once did.

But many prisoners still languish, awaiting death in the next 90 days

We saw hundreds of foxes pacing in cages on the Hobbs Fur Farm in Franklin, ID. They gaze out at the natural world, yet can’t…

